CrossTerm – Crossborder standardization of institutional terminology

The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg VI-A Italy – Slovenia Programme. 

Project leader (LP): Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut – Slovene Research Institute – SLORI
Partners (PP utonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia – Central Office for the Slovene Language; Coastal Self-Governing Community of the Italian Nationality – CAN Costiera; Agjenzie regjonal pe lenghe furlane (Regional Agency for the Friulian Language) – ARLeF; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Information Technology, Centre for Language Resources and Technologies – UL CJVT; Science and Research Centre Koper – ZRS Koper
Project manager: Nevenka Pernarčič
LP Project Members: Matejka Grgič, Devan Jagodic, Jasmin Franza, Andreja Kalc, Martina Pettirosso
Project implementation period: 2024-2026

The project CrossTerm – Crossborder standardisation of institutional terminology is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme.

The lead partner of the project is SLORI – Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut – Slovene Research Institute.

The Project Partners are:
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Ufficio centrale per la lingua slovena /Avtonomna dežela Furlanija – Julijska krajina – Centralni urad za slovenski jezik
– Comunità autogestita costiera della nazionalità italiana/Obalna samoupravna skupnost italijanske narodnosti – CAN Costiera
Agjenzie regjonal pe lenghe furlane (Agenzia regionale per la lingua friulana) – ARLeF
– Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Center za jezikovne vire in tehnologije – UL CJVT
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper – ZRS Koper

The Project Associated Partners are:
Comune di Udine
– Partenariato transfrontaliero EURADRIA tra Italia e Slovenia, capofilato dalla RA FVG – Direzione Centrale Lavoro, Formazione, Istruzione e Famiglia
GECT GO-Gruppo Europeo di Cooperazione Territoriale
Občina Devin Nabrežina
Občina Repentabor
Univerza v Novi Gorici
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione, Università degli Studi di Trieste
Občina Sovodnje ob Soči
Občina Doberdob
Consolato Generale d’Italia a Capodistria
Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, Območna služba Koper
Občina Piran
Comune di Gemona del Friuli
Občina Ankaran
Mestna občina Koper
Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Trstu
Oddelek za italijanistiko, Fakulteta za humanisitčne študije, Univerza na Primorskem
Občina Zgonik
Občina Dolina
Občina Števerjan
Comune di Codroipo
Občina Izola

The project addresses an important common challenge of the programme area: the weak effectiveness in the joint management of linguistic diversity in public administration (henceforth P.A.) in the cross-border area. There are in fact several officially recognised languages in this area, which are used in different ways and with different results in terms of quality and effectiveness (also) in public administration, as well as countless local variants, which are the product of language contact phenomena. The general objective is to improve the quality and efficiency of the language services (in terms of multilingual operation and interlingual mediation) in the P.A. with the realisation of common strategies, models and tools for the standardisation of legal-administrative terminology in the languages of the Programme area, promoting a more coherent and effective use of them. Many problems in the legal-administrative sphere in cross-border governance derive in fact from non-standardised terminology. To eliminate these obstacles, it is therefore necessary to act through a cross-border partnership with close links to the territory, which has the necessary means and technical-scientific expertise. It is also necessary to design and implement participative, sustainable and inclusive solutions that involve and raise awareness among target groups and the general public. The project will bring about a radical change in the multilingual operations of the public administration, which will have at its disposal a shared strategic document aimed at improving the quality of language services, a jointly developed model for cross-border terminology standardisation, as well as efficient and user-friendly ICT tools for the target groups. All these tangible results produced within the project will have a lasting impact, improve the quality of services offered by the public administration, increase the participation of various user groups and enhance the competitiveness of businesses in the area. The project is innovative in terms of the partnership involved, the methodologies adopted and the solutions envisaged. In particular, a cross-border partnership, with high technical-scientific skills, excellent knowledge of the area in which it operates and of the reference communities, as well as extensive experience in international cooperation and cross-border planning, will make it possible to develop original solutions in response to the needs of the Programme area. The expected outputs are 1) the cross-border cooperation of 6 organisations, 2) 2 joint cross-border actions with at least 25 participants and 3) 1 jointly developed strategy. Among the results we highlight in particular: 1) 1 shared cross-border model, 2) 1 advanced terminology tool for target groups and 3) 1 strategy document. The beneficiaries of the project will be, among others, public authorities, public service providers, enterprises, the EGTC, the general public. Many actors will be involved in the project activities as PAs, which will allow a close and constant collaboration, with the sharing of ideas, contents and solutions with a view to a real cooperation at the service of the widest possible audience. The project approach envisages close collaboration between the partners, the sharing of best practices and joint work for the exploitation of the results also at the end of the project. In particular, the results can be further developed also at the end of the project, involving other realities of the Programme area and other cross-border regions.

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