Contracting authorities: The Slovene Cultural and Economic Association (SKGZ) and the Confederation of Slovene Organisations (SSO) through the Project Target Temporary Association
The project was financed from the funds obtained through the Public Call for the (Co-)Financing of Projects Intended for the Presentation, Development and Promotion of the Slovene Language in 2020 and 2021 (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Language Service)
Project financed from special funds Contracting authority: Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional CouncilContractor: SLORI Person responsible: Dr Devan Jagodic Participants: Adriana Janežič, Dr Maja Mezgec, Dr Matejka Grgič, Dr Zaira Vidau, Dr Sara Brezigar, Paolo Slamič Project implementation period: 2019–2021 The FVG Regional Council has entrusted SLORI with the important task of preparing expert opinions for […]
Collaborative research project Project holder: Union of Slovene Sports Associations in Italy (ZSŠDI)Methodological advice: SLORI Responsible for SLORI: Norina Bogatec Project duration: 2020–2021 The Union of Slovene Sports Associations in Italy (ZSŠDI) conducted its7th survey on Slovene sports in Italy in close cooperation with SLORI in order to provide a more scientific underpinning to the […]
Research project directed by the Institute
Collaborative research project Project holder: Regional Commission for Slovene Schools, SLORIPrincipal investigator: Norina Bogatec Co-investigator: Dr Maja Melinc Mlekuž Project duration: 2020–2021 In the 2019/20 school year, SLORI, in collaboration with the Regional Commission for Slovene Schools, conducted a survey on distance learning among teachers, students and parents of children attending kindergartens and Italian schools […]
Collaborative research project
Cooperative research project
A European project of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020
Applied project, financed on commission
Applied project financed by the funds of an extraordinary call for proposals for the implementation of a comprehensive programme aimed at promoting and enhancing the use of the Slovene language (in accordance with article 7, paragraphs 67 and 74 of Regional Law 25/2017)
A targeted research project funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)