Data collection and analysis of enrolment trends in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutues with Slovene as a teaching language in Italy and in the Bilingual school centre in Špeter/San Pietro al Natisone

Research project

Project promoter: SLORI – Slovene Research Institute
Project esecutor: SLORI (resp. Norina Bogatec until 2022, Alenka Verša from 2023)
Project implementation period: year monitoring since School Year 2007/2008

Gathering data about the enrolment in Slovene education institutes in Italy is one of the tasks carried out by the Institute since its foundation. The Institute’s archive gives insight into enrolment trends in Slovene-language kindergartens and schools since 1945. The Institute gathers the data in the school offices and regularly publishes the updated analyses in the almanac Jadranski koledar (until 2011) and in the almanac Goriške Mohorjeve družbe (from 2012). Besides the usual analysis relating to the number of pupils and students enrolled in Slovene-language kindergartens and schools, the paper also contains some interesting data from other research projects.

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