Formation of a common Slovene cultural space and cross-border integrations within the framework of European consolidation

Target Oriented Research Project

Project promoter: dr. Milan Bufon, Science and Research Centre of Koper (University of Primorska)
Project performer: Science and Research Centre of Koper (University of Primorska), Slori-Slovene Research Institute
Project implementation period: 2006-2008

The aim of the project is, firstly, to contribute to the development of a comprehensive and permanent concept of the formation and organisation of a common cultural space within cross-border integrations, and secondly, to study and offer concrete professional and developmental solutions to problems related to three main subject areas:

– development possibilities for Slovene minorities in neighbouring countries
– solving problems of peripherality in the economic and spatial sense, and those of marginality in the socio-cultural sense
– synergistic and optimal use of the funds allocated for the development of border regions by the Republic ofSlovenia, neighbouring countries and European institutions

A comprehensive consideration of these subjects will enable Sloveniato intervene effectively to the benefit of its minority communities, as well as employ an active and planned use of the instruments for the development of border regions and cross-border cooperation in accordance with its interests in actualising the concept of a common Slovene cultural space. The Slovene border and ‘contact’ areas could, taking into account the indicated specifics and the encouraging socio-cultural and economic-spatial potential, and with the support of the Republic of Slovenia, interested neighbouring countries and various European programmes, develop into a very interesting ‘laboratory’ for the introduction of new models for the consolidation of different institutional and everyday forms of interethnic integration at the south-eastern ‘margin’ of the European Union.

The project results are included in two publications:

BAJC, Gorazd (ur.), JAGODIC, Devan (ur.), KLABJAN, Borut (ur.), MEZGEC, Maja (ur.), VIDALI, Zaira (ur.). Pre-misliti manjšino. [Zv. 1], Pogledi reprezentativnih predstavnikov Slovencev v Italiji in pravno-politični okvir. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales; Trst: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut, 2008.
BOGATEC, Norina, BUFON, Milan. Pre-misliti manjšino. [Zv. 2], Slovenci v Italiji in skupni slovenski kulturni prostor po padcu meje : anketa med člani slovenskih društev v Italiji. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales; Trst: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut, 2008.

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