A research project promoted by Slori
Project promoter: SLORI-Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut
Project performer: dr. Suzana Pertot
Collaborators: Norina Bogatec, dr. Marianna Kosic
Project implementation period: 2012-2014
The objective of the research is to verify ethnic identification and the perception of geographical belonging of Slovenian last year students in high schools in the Province of Trieste, compare the results with those obtained 21 and 11 years ago, and observe eventual differences. Moreover, the aim is to understand at what distance from themselves and their homes these students put Slovenians from Slovenia and the Slovenian state itself, as 10 and 20 years ago these two elements were fairly distant for the surveyed students, both individually and socially. The method includes questionnaires used in a survey in the academic year 2004/2005 (Pertot, 2005), when the author repeated a part of a wider research carried out among last year students in the academic year 1992/1993 (Pertot, 1996).
The results of the research will be presented in a scientific monographic publication.