Longitudinal research “youth profile’’

A research project promoted by SLORI

Project promoter: Slori-Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut
Project performer: dr. Zaira Vidau and dr. Devan Jagodic
Project implementation period: 2012-2014

This research project will be carried out with a poll among a population of students of all years, departments and branches of high schools with Slovenian as the teaching language in the Provinces of Trieste and Gorizia, as also among a group of young people with the same personal features who live in the Province of Udine and define themselves as belonging to the Slovenian national community. The aim is to study the general characteristics of Slovenian youth in Italy, its attitude towards the minority and its organisations, its needs and expectations, and the degree of involvement in the associative life of the minority. The starting point for performing the research is a questionnaire that was used in 2003 for the Poll among students on the consideration of the minority and its associative life (Mezgec, et al., 2005), while also indicators from other past Slori researches will be considered (Jagodic, 2008; Bogatec, 2011).

The objectives of the research are:
1. to offer information about the state of the art of the young people who consider themselves as belonging to the Slovenian minority in Italy;
2. to compare today’s situation with that of 2003 and observe the main changes;
3. to highlight crucial indicators for analysing the situation of young Slovenians in Italy and prepare a questionnaire which is to be the basis for further surveys.

The results of the research will be presented in a scientific monographic publication.

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