Mandala of identities and intergroup relations
Research project
Motivate to participate: understand the motivations of young people for their greater involvement in the associations’ activities
Research project
Verifying satisfaction with the project “promoting psycho-physical wellbeing of the elderly”
Commissioned research
Educational and work paths of youth in the cross-border area
Research project
Functional literacy in the minority language and life-long learning among the Slovene minority in Trieste
PhD dissertation
Researchers day 2007
Promotional project of research activities
Youth profile: Explore and promote the reality of young people in the Trieste province
Research and promotional project
The youth challenge: towards an active citizenship in present and future Italy and Europe
Project presented to the Announcement of Competition of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Common Slovene scientific space: reseach on border ethnically mixed areas
Project participating to the Public announcement of competiton for co-financiation of the activities for the promotion of the Slovenian science abroad for year 2009
Areas of cultural contact in integration processes
Research program
Observatory for Social Policies of the Province of Trieste
Series of commissioned researches