
Project Dvojezično najstništvo/L’adolescenza bilingue

Project funded by the public call for (co-)funding of projects aimed at the presentation, promotion and development of the Slovenian language and its promotion in 2022 (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia) Project promoter: SLORIResponsible: Dr. Matejka Grgič, Dr. Susanna Pertot Project implementation period: 2022 The target audiences of the project are teenagers […]


Working group for Slovene language teachers at I.C. “Vladimir Bartol”

Consulting in the field of Slovene language teaching Project leader: IC “Vladimir Bartol”Responsible for SLORI: Maja Melinc Mlekuž Project implementation period: 2021-2022 The project involves professional collaboration with the working group of Slovene language teachers of the Vladimir Bartol Comprehensive Institute, with the preparation of teaching materials, didactic and methodological guidelines for teaching Slovenian in […]


Language support for the newspaper Primorski dnevnik

Linguistic support Client: DZP Družba za založniške pobude d. o. o. / PRAE Publishing Activity Promotion S. r. L.Implementing subject: SLORI Project manager: Andreja Kalc Others involved: Matejka Grgič, Damjan Popič, Maja Melinc Mlekuž, Jasmin Franza, Zarja Zver Period of performance of the third tranche of the service: 2021- 2024 The service is based on […]


Political participation of national minorities and their members: a comparative study of the political participation of Slovenian communities in countries neighboring the Republic of Slovenia

Research project financed with funds from the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Research Activities (ARRS) Project leader: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja (INV)Partners: SLORI, Slovenski znanstveni inštitut (SZI), University of Maribor, Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV), University of Ljubljana. Contact person for SLORI: Devan Jagodic, Zaira Vidau Duration of the project: 2021- 2024 […]


Phonological development of Slovenian preschool children living along the Slovenian-Italian border

Collaborative research project Project leader: Martina OzbičProject implementation period: 2021- 2024 The research project will shed light on the phonological development of children in the Slovenian littoral at the level of words, syllables, phonetics and phonemes, with the publication of a work on the phonological development of preschool children living along the Slovenian-Italian border. In […]


Research on autonomy and national minorities in Friuli Venezia Giulia for the World Autonomies website

Collaborative research project Project sponsors: EURAC, European Center for Minority Issues, SLORIContact person for SLORI: Zaira Vidau Duration: 2021-2023 Research on autonomy and national minorities in Friuli Venezia Giulia will complement World Autonomies by presenting the situation of the region’s three national communities: Slovenian, Friulian and German. Particular emphasis will be placed on the […]


Discovering the Slovenes of Trieste: interethnic and intercultural ties between the Slovenian and Italian populations in the city of Trieste

Collaborative research project Project leader: ZRS Koper. Collaborator: SLORI. Executor of the questionnaire: SWG Project manager: Milan Bufon. Collaborator: Norina Bogatec Project implementation period: 2021- 2022 The project is part of a larger, long-term research project, which in the first phase focused on changing the ethnic and social aspect of the Trieste Karst and places […]


Ethnolinguistic and socio-economic characteristics of the population living in the area of Slovenian settlement in FVG

Collaborative research project Project leader: SLORI. Questionnaire respondent: SWGProject leader: Devan Jagodic Collaborator: Norina Bogatec Project implementation period: 2021- 2022 In November 2021, SLORI commissioned SWG, a demoscopic survey company from Trieste, to carry out an extensive opinion survey among the population of the 32 municipalities of the former provinces of Trieste, Gorizia and Udine […]


Jezikovna pošta

The Primorski dnevnik publishes the weekly column Jezikovna pošta (linguistic mail). Readers’ linguistic questions and doubts are answered by the linguists of the SLORI Working Group for the Slovene Language, Dr. Matejka Grgič, Mag. Andreja Kalc, Dr. Maja Melinc Mlekuž, Mag. Jasmin Franza and Dr. Damjan Popič. The section can be found online: Promocija […]


Digital map of visual bilingualism in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Client: Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional CouncilImplementing subject: SLORI Responsible for research: Zaira Vidau Performance period: March-October 2021 The digital map on visual bilingualism presents 4505 photos of public signs in the provinces of Trieste, Gorizia and Udine, which were collected for the purposes of the Verification of the degree of implementation of the provisions pursuant […]


Animated minorities / Animirane manjšine: educational video animations on language communities in Europe and the FVG region, with a focus on Slovenes in Italy

Project financed within the framework of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region’s call for proposals on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of Law 482/1999 on the protection of linguistic minorities in Italy Project leader: SLORI. Partner: Società Filologica Friulana, Circolo Culturale Saurano “Fulgenzio Schneider”Project leader: Zaira Vidau. Collaborator: Devan Jagodic Project […]


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