
Survey among the subscribers, attendees and non-attendees of Slovenian Permanent Theatre performances

Collaborative research project Project holder: SLORI and the Slovene Permanent Theatre (SSG)Principal investigator: Norina Bogatec Co-investigator: Anja ŠkarabotProject duration: 2020–2021 The purpose of the survey was to determine the popularity and experience of theatre arts among attendees and non-attendees of SSG theatre performances, the reasons for attending or not attending SSG and other theatre events, […]


The Slovene language in Italy and language planning

Research project Project promoter: SLORI, SLORIjezik language teamProject leader: Dr. Matejka Grgič Contributors: Dr. Devan Jagodic, Dr. Sara Brezigar Project implementation period: 2019-202 The project is based on the starting points of research conducted in national and international contexts. These have shown that no community – and especially no minority community – can guarantee the […]


Linguistic workshops for ZSŠDI administrators and coaches

Implementing entity: SLORI (Jezik) Contributors: Dr. Matejka Grgič, Andreja Kalc, Dr. Maja Melinc Mlekuž, Dr. Damjan Popič Project duration: September 2020 – January 2021 APPLIED SLOVENE 2020/2021 – PROGRAMME DATES 17 September 2020: for club administrators 19 September 2020: for coaches DURATION OF WORKSHOPSFor members of sports association sports committees: 8 online and 2 live […]


Distance Learning Survey

Collaborative research project Project holder: Regional Commission for Slovene Schools, SLORIPrincipal investigator: Norina Bogatec Co-investigator: Dr Maja Melinc Mlekuž Project duration: 2020–2021 In the 2019/20 school year, SLORI, in collaboration with the Regional Commission for Slovene Schools, conducted a survey on distance learning among teachers, students and parents of children attending kindergartens and Italian schools […]


Language support for the newspaper Primorski dnevnik

Linguistic support Client: DZP Družba za založniške pobude d. o. o. / PRAE Promozione Attività Editoriale S. r. L.Implementing entity: SLORI Project leader: Andreja Kalc Others involved: Matejka Grgič, Damjan Popič, Maja Melinc Mlekuž Period covered by the third tranche of the service: 2021- 2022 The service is based on language support activities aimed at […]


Research insights for the development of an action programme for the Slovenian national community in Italy 2019-2022

Analysis on commission Client: SKGZ – Slovenska kulturno-gospodarska zvezaProject implementer: SLORI Responsible for SLORI: Zaira VidauContributors: Norina Bogatec, Devan Jagodic Period: Sept.-Oct. 2019 Commissioned by the SKGZ – Slovenska kulturno-gospodarska zveza, the Institute carried out research to define their programme and work plan for the next three years. It comprises eleven areas of competence: economy […]


The political awareness of members of the Slovenian national community in Italy

Survey Client: Krožek Anton Gregorčič Contractor: SLORI SLORI Manager: Norina Bogatec Project implementation period: June-December 2018. In early 2019 presentation of results The survey is part of the project Zastavimo skupne moči za skupne cilje, conceived on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Mirko Špacapan’s death. The project was selected following an extraordinary call […]


Translating and editing texts for the English publication on Slovenians in Italy

SLORI research project Project co-financed by Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetuProject leaders: Norina Bogatec and Dr. Zaira Vidau Project implementation period: 2018-2020 A new publication on Slovenes in Italy examines the dynamics of the development of the Slovenian national community in Italy after the fall of the Berlin Wall and […]


Survey on the situation of Slovenian enterprises in Trieste and Gorizia

Project promoter: SLORIProject leader: Norina Bogatec Project duration: January-December 2019 The survey is an integral part of the research project Stanje in perspektive slovenskega gospodarstva v Italiji (The state and prospects of the Slovene economy in Italy), carried out by SLORI and the Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation. SLORI conducted the survey in cooperation with […]


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