Conference Languages in contact
2017 GRGIČ, Matejka. Terminology as a cultural project : the consequences of the double standard in a minority context = Terminologija kot kulturni projekt : posledice dvojnega standarda v manjšinskem kontekstu. Predstavljeni referat na konferenci Jeziki v stiku / Lingue in contatto / Languages in contact, Koper-Capodistria (Slovenija), 28.-29. oktobra 2017.
Research on the current state of the Slovene economy in Italy and its future prospects
Cooperative research project
A research section in the Primorski dnevnik daily newspaper
A promotional project conducted by the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI)
Trust accross the border
Applied project financed by the funds of an extraordinary call for proposals for the implementation of a comprehensive programme aimed at promoting and enhancing the use of the Slovene language (in accordance with article 7, paragraphs 67 and 74 of Regional Law 25/2017)
A survey among the readers and non-readers of the Primorski dnevnik Slovene-language daily newspaper
Research project – survey
Offering support in organising the second regional conference on the protection of the Slovene-language minority and preparing a collection of conference papers
This project received extraordinary funding
Research on the youth in the municipalities of Dolina and Muggia
Commissioned research