Cooperative research project
Project promotion: the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI) and the Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation
Project management: Dr Igor Guardiancich
Project implementation period: 2018–2019
This new research on the current state of the Slovene economy in Italy and its future prospects is divided into several implementation stages, namely: a historical overview of the socio-economic processes taking place in a geographical area where the Slovene and Italian cultures are in close contact, with a particular emphasis on the economic growth of the Slovene ethnic community in Italy; an analysis of the economic trends identified on various levels — a global level, a cross-border level (the Alpe-Adria region, Italy, Slovenia), a regional level (the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region) and a local level (the Trieste and Gorizia provinces and the border area of the Udine province); an analysis of the current state and future prospects for the Slovene economy in Italy; identifying opportunities for growth both in terms of the most profitable economic sectors and the human resources (experts and specialised staff) required for such growth; identifying potential projects that could boost the Slovene economy in Italy as part of greater development processes. The empirical part of this research will consist of field studies for data collection purposes.
The results of the research are reported in a scientific monograph published by Annales in the first half of 2022.
In 2023 the book was translated into Italian and published in 2024 under the title Economie e società di confine. Sviluppo, organizzazione e istituzioni della comunità slovena in Italia (1954-2020) at Carocci Editore, Rome. The translation of the book was co-financed by the Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARIS) (Research Agency of the Republic of Slovenia).