Pre-misliti manjšino. Slovenci v Italiji in skupni slovenski kulturni prostor po padcu meje. Anketa med člani slovenskih društev v Italiji

Norina Bogatec, Milan Bufon
Trst-Koper, SLORI-UP ZRS, 2008

The second book of the publication Pre-misliti manjšino (Re-think the minority) presents the results of a phone poll carried out among the members of the Slovene community in Italy along the whole border belt of Italy and Slovenia. The aim of the poll was to show how Slovene residents in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region judge the change of the regime along the Slovene-Italian border, how intense the bonds in this area are and how the respondents evaluate the role of this minority in the development of the social and cultural bonds with their homeland, Slovenia, and more generally the development of cultural and social integration between the Slovene and Italian cultural and social spaces.

The pubblication is available in Slovenian language

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