Šola, družina in zunajšolske dejavnosti

Martin Maver
Združenje slovenskih športnih društev v Italiji (ZSŠDI), Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut (SLORI), Trst, 2015

This monograph (eng. School, family and extracurricular activities) presents the results of a survey involving young people who attend Slovene-language schools in Trieste and Gorizia provinces, as well as the bilingual Slovene-Italian unified school district in San Pietro al Natisone. The survey aimed to learn about the participants’ general engagement in society and their linguistic identity. To this end, participants to the survey were asked what language they most identified with and the sport activities they practised (including the level at which they practised them), as well as other leisure activities they usually engaged in. Respondents were pupils in the last three grades of primary school (age 8-11), as well as middle school and high school students (age 11-19). The survey was taken by a total of 2,135 pupils and students.

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