Norina Bogatec, Veronika Lokar
SLORI, Sklad Libero in Zora Polojaz, Trst, 2016
Pouk slovenščine: raziskava o poučevanju slovenščine na italijanski šoli v Trstu/A scuola di sloveno: una ricerca sull’insegnamento dello sloveno in una scuola italiana di Trieste (eng. Teaching Slovene: A research on Slovene language teaching in an Italian school in Trieste) is the title of a bilingual Slovene-Italian publication focused on the teaching experience at the Iqbal Masih Unified School District in Trieste. This was the first school in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region to offer Slovene as a second EU language. Slovene was first taught at this school during the 2009/2010 school year in cooperation with the Slovene-language unified school district Vladimir Bartol in Trieste. The publication provides an analysis of the first four years of Slovene teaching and was published by the Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation in association with the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI).
In the introduction the headmaster of Iqbal Masih Unified School District, prof. Andrea Avona, expresses his view on teaching Slovene in Italian schools. His opinion is corroborated by the testimony of teachers Christine Biber, Irina Moira Cavaion, Nastja Colja, Barbara Kosmina and Kristina Kovačič, who designed and implemented a scientifically proven model for teaching Slovene as a second foreign language. The core of the publication consists of the results of the research carried out by researcher Norina Bogatec and psychologist Veronika Lokar among Slovene language learners and their parents. The foreword to the publication was written by Dr Vlasta Polojaz, president of the Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation.