Druga deželna konferenca o zaščiti slovenske jezikovne manjšine / Seconda conferenza regionale sulla tutela della minoranza linguistica slovena

Adriana Janežič, Devan Jagodic (editors)
Avtonomna dežela Furlanija – Julijska krajina, Deželni svet Furlanije – Julijske krajine, Trst, 2017

This publication is a collection of the papers presented at the Second regional conference on the protection of the Slovene-speaking minority. The conference was held on 24 and 25 November 2017 in Gorizia and Trieste respectively. The publication is divided in two main parts: one dedicated to Gorizia and one to Trieste. The latter is shorter since the majority of papers were presented on the first day of the conference in Gorizia. The core of the publication consists of four comprehensive reports written by researchers from the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI):Ten years after the adoption of Regional Law 26/2007 – outcomes, difficulties with the implementation of regulations and the loopholes of the current regulatory regime (Adriana Janežič); A review of implementation of the measures in favour of the Resian language and language varieties spoken in the Natisone valley, the Torre valley and the Val Canale (Ilaria Ciccone and Živa Gruden); The Central office for the Slovene language and the service network available in the area in question (Matejka Grgič); Representation and representativeness of the Slovene minority – a reflection on how to improve the political participation of Slovenes living in Italy (Sara Brezigar and Zaira Vidau).

On the occasion of the Second regional conference on the protection of the Slovene minority, held ten years after the first conference, an implementation review of Regional Law 26 from the year 2007 was carried out. Based on the conclusions of the symposium the Regional Council adopted the guidelines for future government actions.

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