Konferenca Education, language and the human rights of minorities

Datum: 6. -7. maj 2019

Kraj: Evropski parlament, Bruselj, Belgija

Konferenca, organizirana s strani UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues in Tom Lantos Institute, v sodelovanju z ELEN, se bo posvečala vzgoji in poučevanju manjšinskih jezikov.

Več informacij o konferenci na povezavi: https://tom-lantos-institue.events.idloom.com/european-regional-forum-on-minority-issues-2019.

The rights of linguistic minorities are human rights that must be respected, including in relation to the appropriate degree of use of minority languages. Education deals with what is perhaps the central linguistic right of minorities, and is also fundamental to the maintenance of linguistic diversity. A language that is not taught is a language that will ultimately vanish. The benefits of education in the mother language are now fairly well established scientifically through studies of minority children in different parts of the world.”

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